How do I register to bid?
Click into the bid now links on any auction on the gartonsauction.com web page. You will be
redirected into our bidding platform.IF YOU ARE ON A COMPUTER:
At the very top right hand corner of the screen you will see the buttons for login and register.
Click on “REGISTER”, fill out the form that pops up. Then submit and wait for an email back.IF YOU ARE ON A CELL PHONE:
At the very top left hand corner of the screen you will see three parallel bars. Click on these bars
and select “REGISTER”. Fill out the form that pops up. Then submit and wait for an email back.
Make a username and password that are easy for you to remember. They are sensitive to
uppercase / lowercase and spaces. These will be needed for any future auctions you want to
bid on.
If you don’t see the email, check the spam folder or junk mail.
Click on the link in the email to go back to the auction and start bidding.I can’t login. There is a message about cookies!
There is sometimes a message that pops up requiring cookies to be accepted. You need to
accept the cookies. Close out of the program and then clear and refresh your browser history.
Log back in and then it should allow you to go back in and bid. This should solve the issue.I’m a farmer. The items I am buying are used for farming so why do I have to pay the PST.
There is a specific set of rules that we must follow as to what may be exempted and what may
not be.Some items such as tractors, tractor attachments, parts for exemptible equipment etc
must have a farm use exemption signed by the buyer.
Vehicles whether they are used on farm only, for parts, scrap iron must be charged PST –
Government laws, we must follow!For information on Manitoba PST farm rules please go to
https://www.gov.mb.ca/finance/taxation/pubs/bulletins/018.pdfWhat are the 2025 consignment auction commission rates?